Situs Resmi SMP Trisila Surabaya

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Selasa, 19 Desember 2017

The Using of Edmodo Application in SMP TRISILA Surabaya

The Using of Edmodo Application in TRISILA Surabaya Junior High School

              As we know that technology has developed quickly, one of them is gadget. Now days, gadget is very familiar and become a necessary for kids, teenagers, until adult. Because of it, Trisila Surabaya Junior High School try to take advantage of it for supporting their student education. They use one of application program to help the teacher and their students get connected and stay organized in an online classroom. That is Edmodo. 
              There are many advantages of Edmodo application. One of them is the students will be able to know their result score after submitting the test. Edmodo has used by Trisila Surabaya Junior High School for midterm test and final test. For future, Edmodo also will be used in all of the teacher assignments such as individual and group test, homework, daily test, and remedial test.

The application of Edmodo in the classroom